Bible Prayers to Overcome Your Conditions

Bible Prayer
Prayer of Peace

The Bible is the ultimate authoritative text for how to live life according to God’s will. God wants great things for all of us. To overcome your troubles, these scripture passages are true blessings:

  • To Thank the Lord for our Blessings, Psalm 144.
  • To attract friends and family, Psalms 67 & 111.
  • To unify the family, Psalm 97.
  • For a happy relationship or marriage, Psalm 45.
  • For luck in all things, Psalm 4.
  • To attract money, Psalm 119:17-24
  • Success in business, Psalm 108.
  • To improve business, Psalms 8, 37 & 92.
  • Success in all financial matters, Psalm 26.
  • To obtain work or a promotion, Psalm 75.
  • Favorable verdict in court, Psalm 20.
  • For triumph of justice, Psalm 94.
  • Ease the loss of love, Psalm 57.
  • Solace in a time of suffering, Psalm 69.
  • Soothe & quiet the nerves, Psalm 37.
  • When desiring inner peace, John 14, Romans 8.
  • Deliverance from all enemies, Psalm 18.
  • Exorcise demons and evil spirits, Psalms 29 & 68.
  • Keep away evil, Psalms 54 & 64.
  • Protection from enemies and harm, Psalms 1, 64 & 125.
  • Still the voices of rumor, Psalm 12.
  • Suppress evil doers, Psalm 109.
  • When you are sick, in pain, to promote good health, Psalms 6 & 39.
  • When you have experienced severe losses, Psalm 77.
  • When you are in danger, Psalm 91.
  • When in sorrow, Psalm 14.
  • When you have sinned, Psalm 51.
  • If you are discouraged, lonely or fearful, Psalm 23.
  • When you want courage for your task, Joshua 1.
  • When friends seem to go back on you, Matthew 5.
  • When people are jealous of you, Psalm 49.
  • To conquer and triumph over adversity, Psalm 11.
  • When worries oppress you, Psalm 46 & Matthew 6:19-34
  • When leave home for work/travel, Psalms 121 & 107:23-31

Basic Rules to Follow for Conditions


When burning candles, say your prayer for the condition desires. Then make your wish. Concentrate on your desire or objective. The combination of your own concentration and the burning of the candle make for a powerful vibration. Candles cannot be used over and over for any other purposes except for the original one.

COLORS OF THE CANDLE ARE IMPORTANT: They give off vibrations and are a reflection of you!

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Anointing the candle is very important. When you anoint the candle you put your vibrations and energy forces on the candle, which makes the candle work harder for you. Remember, your oil will magnetize the candle which will result in a positive energy.

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Incense & Powders

When used with a candle, Incense increases the power and helps to reach your goal. Powders extend the powers involved on a more personal level.

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Bath Oils & Floor Washes

Bath oils and floor washes are used to cleanse and make pure. Not only your bodies and floors, but more so your minds and lives. Baths and washes clean out all evil spirits and conditions from you mind and from your home and office. The color of the wash or oil also serves as an additional purpose. For example, the green wash or bath oil is used for money drawing.

One Response

  1. Hello,
    I ordered the Boyfriend and Adam and Eve root. I received it Tuesday and Thursday I met a protential boyfriend in 2 days. Wow, that’s fast. We will see if it is a love connection. I don’t want to stop there with the potential suitors. I want to a lot to choose from. Woo Hoo.

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