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Job Master Power Bag


This bag is good for any job related problem. Do you need a raise? Do you have trouble getting a job? Holding a job? Or getting along with co-workers or your boss? It is thought that this bag, when combined with prayer, can fix or improve your job situation.

SKU K4030 Category


This bag is good for any job related problem. Do you need a raise? Do you have trouble getting a job? Holding a job? Or getting along with co-workers or your boss? It is thought that this bag, when combined with prayer, can fix or improve your job situation.

You now possess what we feel is a combination of very powerful supplies. We chose 7 items because we feel this is a symbol of luck which can be carried directly to you.

You may keep the bag directly on you or in a safe place such as in your bedroom, car or pillow.

Use the leftover oil to anoint it (3 drops) once a week. After 1 year bury or destroy your bag and get a new one.

 Each Master Power Bag is made with your special purpose in mind. With this bag you will recieve: The Master Power Bag, Oil, Herbs, Root, Personal Lucky Stone, Special Power Seal, Sachet Powder, and easy directions on how to use.


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