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Rituals and Spells of Santeria


Santería, also known as “The Way of the Saints”, is an Afro-Cuban religious tradition derived from traditional beliefs of the Yoruba people of what is now known as Nigeria. The Santería tradition comprises a hierarchical structure according to priesthood level and authority. The “Seven Powers of God” or “Siete Potencia” are; Elegua, Oggun, Oshun, Chango, Obatala’, Yemeya and Onrula. These are the most common Orisha names.

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Rituals and Spells of Santeria By Migene Gonzalez-Wippler:

This book will take you further into the practices of Santeria’s Followers.

Santería, also known as “The Way of the Saints”, is an Afro-Cuban religious tradition derived from traditional beliefs of the Yoruba people of what is now known as Nigeria. The Santería tradition comprises a hierarchical structure according to priesthood level and authority. The “Seven Powers of God” or “Siete Potencia” are; Elegua, Oggun, Oshun, Chango, Obatala’, Yemeya and Onrula. These are the most common Orisha names.


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