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Black Hen (Gallina Negra) Perfumed 7 Day Candle


Burning this spiritually powerful candle (as believed by many African American and Hispanic and various cultures throughout the world) will help “scratch off” any evil or bad luck that you have walked over or picked up from anyone trying to do you harm. The Egg from a black hen was said to absorb all negativity and to remove all evil. It was used to spiritually cleanse a home, when prayed over.


Burning this spiritually powerful candle (as believed by many African American and Hispanic and various cultures throughout the world) will help “scratch off” any evil or bad luck that you have walked over or picked up from anyone trying to do you harm. The Egg from a black hen was said to absorb all negativity and to remove all evil. It was used to spiritually cleanse a home, when prayed over. So it has a powerful effect – the legend of the black hen—and there are many uses, but generally;

It is used to Remove Jinxes or Hexes and Un-cross you; Breaks all spells, curses, bad, luck and witchcraft ; Gets Bothersome or Troublesome People to Move Away from you or Confuse them and get Your enemies out of your life, for good. Use this candle to drive away and cast off all evil from you!


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